Sunday, June 15, 2008

{bABy PhOtoS}

This past week Nigel has been showing everyone that comes over his baby photo, to prove that Isaac looks like him!!!!! I thought I'd post these up for you all to enjoy.

(Nigel 9 months)

(Isaac 6 months)


So we showed Isaac the picture too. What do you think his reaction was?

He thought he was looking in the mirror!!! He started laughing as soon as he saw it.

notice Eden trying to get into the photo's. She was upset that Isaac was the model this time.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


This is my Best Friend. His name is Nigel, he is twenty seven years old (seven weeks older). He graduated from the University of Auckland in September 2007. The tassels was worth the hassel. We both learnt so many things from this experience.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

{KOOL Kindy Kid}

Eden's kindy bag has disappeared and is nowhere to be seen. So we dug up (out of the archives) one of aunty Ann's. The jacket too came out of the archives and is 25 yrs old, and I think the fabric is too (on her dress). Thanks nan for the kindy dress!

This was Eden telling James to get out of her limelight!

Maybe she is jealous of his purple socks and green basketball outfit!


Monday lunchtime Eden taught Nigel and I how to make a real sandwhich (we looked on wondering why we didn't think to make our bread go further)

and then how to eat it



I am in a good place, mentally and physically (who wouldn't be with the sun on their back). I thought, it's been a while since I took a photo of myself - so here it is. Twenty Seven years old, Three children and One wonderful best friend who also happens to be my husband.

I am reminded of a scrapbooking article that I came across. In essence it told me to take more photos of myself, not worrying about how I look and what I'm wearing. Looking back at her childhood photos with her mother, the author writes that she loves the way her mother is smiling and interacting with them. This is more important than her clothes or hair. So I want to be the same, when my children inherit their scrapbooks and albums, they would see a mother who was happy to be her and to be with them.